Senior purchasing directors of BSH met BEYSAD members at the Greenpark Hotel on 20-21 October 2010 in Istanbul. Approximately 120 people attended the meeting where purchasing directors of BSH Germany, Russia, Spain and Çerkezköy washing machine and furnace plants represented BSH.
The introduction speeches made in the morning of the first day explained the purposes of the meetings. BEYSAD’s presentation started with a video on BEYSAD. M. Bahadır Balkır, Chairman of BEYSAD, made the introduction speech and extended his thanks to the attendants. Noting that he was pleased about the relationship between main industry firms and supply industry firms, Mr. Balkır stated that the washing machine suppliers’ event held in June in Çerkezköy was a means for strengthening the relationship between parties; furthermore, the presentation made by BEYSAD members in Berlin representing the Turkish white goods supply industry boosted the relationship with BSH. Bahadır Balkır told that he was rather pleased to witness that BSH was willing to increase its business volume with BEYSAD members and generally in the Turkish market to meet the needs of its Çerkezköy plants and other plants worldwide. He then extended his thanks to BSH officials and BEYSAD members and gave the floor to Dr. Martin Seidel, the purchasing director of BSH Çerkezköy plants.
Martin Seidel told that BSH was ready to give opportunities to local suppliers in the Turkish market so that they could increase their business volume and expand their operations. Indicating that BSH’s investments both in Turkey and in the world markets were increasing, hence offering new business opportunities to local suppliers, he noted these opportunities included BSH Turkey’s focusing on the local market to procure currently-imported materials and local suppliers’ providing products to BSH globally, thus increasing their existing business volume with BSH Turkey. He added that they should maintain their competitiveness and compete with their global competitors.
Axel Fischer, Global Purchasing Director of BSH Washers Group, followed Mr. Seidel to take the floor. Mr. Fischer made his presentation in a very warm environment and explained important details to Turkish suppliers.
Underlining that the share of materials procured from the Turkish market was small in the total washer group products, Mr. Fischer urged Turkish suppliers to do business more aggressively in order to increase this share. He added that the reason why they held this event was to discuss new global business opportunities in the BSH washer group and give Turkish suppliers an opportunity to introduce their operations more closely.
Mr. Fischer presentation further focused on new business opportunities for BSH plants located in Russia and Spain.
The morning session was concluded following the questions and answers section. After the lunch break the guests were divided into four groups. In each hall a different product group was represented by relevant BSH officials. It was ensured that each guest could visit all four rooms and obtain necessary information.
On the second day firm representatives had a chance to hold one-to-one meetings in line with demands. As a result of the business meetings both BEYSAD members and BSH officials expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the meetings.