BEYSAD continues updating the BEYSAD-White Appliances Suppliers Strategy Document since 2012 and has completed the 3rd Document-Revision 2. Regarding the issue, an introduction meeting was held on 10.05.2016, in Kemer Country Orman Evi and received a broad participation involving the shareholders and the working team in this process. BEYSAD Strategy Document Advisor Mr. Kerim Han Milar gave the introduction presentation on the document and Mr. Çağlar Özer from Siemens provided an informative presentation on Industry 4.0.
Expanded Board of Directors Members that are comprised of BEYSAD Board of Directors, Advisory Board and Disciplinary Board full members and associate members, Young Beysad Members, committee members and representatives from Arçelik, BSH, Vestel, Candy, Indesit-Whirlpool, Ariston Thermo, and Siemens as well as all the shareholders that supported BEYSAD by taking part in the search conferences during this process were invited to the meeting.
The program attended by approximately 40 people started by the opening speech of BEYSAD Board Chairman Mr. Burak Özaydemir. Mr. Özaydemir briefly talked about the operations in this process and thanked the participants for their support. He underlined that the support needed to continue and said that they expected especially Young Beysad members to continue supporting the committee operations.
Next, Kerim Han Milar gave an introductory presentation on the document. The objectives of the document lay emphasis on speeding up activities for direct export, prioritizing the transformation to Industry 4.0 and keeping up with the smart connected home appliances trends; not ignoring the trends that need to be caught, having a vision in case of a threat and being prepared to take the necessary action were set as top priority.
After the introduction, because it stood out in the document and TÜSİAD works on important projects regarding this, BEYSAD’s former Board Chairman and TÜSİAD Board Member Mr. Bahadır Balkır shared his thoughts on the developments happening at TÜSİAD regarding Industry 4.0 and regarding the white appliances sector in this process. In summary, we can say that the developments are positive and all the shareholders are ready to support the smooth realization of the public-supported project.
Afterwards, Mr. Çağlar Özer,Sales Manager of Siemens, one of the best implementers of Industry 4.0,gave a presentation. Mr. Özer’s presentation that opened the doors further to an impressive world which we have been recently introduced to was interrupted from time to time with exciting questions and the interactive presentation took about 1,5 hours. The meeting ended with Burak’s closing speech and Thank You Plaque presentation, but the conversation continued during the dinner.