Call Conference was held for the White Goods Supply Industry Strategy Paper (Gazelle Hotel/Bolu)
13-15 December 2013

The first Call Conference was held with the participation of 37 attendees on 4-6 May 2012 at Abant Palace Hotel in Bolu as part of the White Goods Supply Industry’s efforts for a Strategy Paper drafted under BEYSAD’s leadership with TRIA (International Research and Consultancy) as a stakeholder and with KOSGEB, white goods main industry and supply industry providing support.

During the 1.5 years which passed since the preparation and distribution of the paper, 5 separate committees were formed under BEYSAD with a view to achieve the 5 main targets specified in the Strategy Paper. These committees, comprising of around 10 persons each, came together almost every month since January 2013 and worked on each and every one of the actions laid down in the action plan given in the “strategy paper” so as to render the sector more competent and ensure its success in its goals. Within this context, they provided feedback by organizing very beneficial activities for the esteemed members of BEYSAD. These efforts were carried forward to a certain level month by month by conducting studies, sometimes hosting guests regarding a study subject, organizing trips or training products sometimes with a representative from the main industry, or sometimes sending out questionnaires about subjects in which your works and experience are needed. In fact, thanks to these efforts, the goal of keeping this paper “a living document” which was given the highest priority since the completion of the Paper has been realized.

According to this scope, it was necessary to reach a consensus among all stakeholders regarding the relevance of the strategies as well as the actions taken in line with these strategies to the goals by revising the strategies targeted. The 2nd Call Conference was held within this context with the participation of 47 attendees apart from the technical team at Gazelle Hotel in Bolu on 13-15 December 2013.

During the meeting, in addition to the main industry and supply industry representatives, executives and opinion leaders from TURKBESD (White Goods Manufacturers’ Association of Turkey), SEDEFED (Federation of Industrial Associations), TURKCELL, TRAKYAKA (Trakya Development Agency), Ernst&Young, Ministry of Industry, Istanbul Exporters’ Association, Subcon Turkey, Whiteline, Distribution Channel Magazines, and a private working capital fund management corporation shared their valuable opinions with the participants.

Similarly to the previous Call Conference held by TRİA, Kerim Han Milar was once again the moderator of the event. The sessions included 5 Phases:

  1. PHASE I        Trends in the world and Turkey
  2. PHASE II       Desired and threatening trends
  3. PHASE III     Presentations / What was done in the last 1.5 years
  4. PHASE IV      Best and worst scenarios for the next 5 and 10 years,White Goods Main Industry’s and Supply Industry’s position in this scenario
  5. PHASE V       Strategies, Committee discussions

The subjects given above were discussed either in larger groups or in separate smaller groups during the sessions which started at 21:00 on December 13, Friday and continued until 13:00 on December 15 with a view to find a common ground. The issues were discussed in a deductive manner, wishes and threats were specified concerning the industry’s future. The steps required to be taken in order to eliminate the threats and achieve the desired outcomes were written down.

Opinions and discussion results alongside with the results of the committee meetings as well as tracking and steering meetings, questionnaire studies, and the discussions held with the leading names of the sector were compiled in order to draft the second part of the strategy paper.

During the conference which was concluded in a very constructive and fruitful manner, the attendees opened to discussion ideas which will carry the industry further, and the opinions on which a consensus was achieved after long meetings were recorded as new strategies.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who contributed to our efforts and took part in this meeting through great personal dedication.

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